- survived fall soccer
- got a cool new Ipod
- went trick-or-treating
- read through book #4, and started on #5
- directed a fourth grade play, twice
- watched Riley catch her first fish
- laughed at her sister trying to fish and text at the same time
- turned 35
- started buying Caramel Apple Spice drinks from Starbuck's again - yum!!
Here's what I'll be doing next time you see me:
- going to basketball games
- learning to put my own music on that cool new Ipod
- watching Grey's, season #3
- taking Christmas orders for stationery (Casey, you know you need some...)
- counting the days until Thanksgiving break
- attending at least three shows of Cinderella
And here's what I probably still won't have done next time you see me:
- finished book #5
- changed my door at school (it's the same one I've had up since August - my neighbor across the hall just put up her 5th one...AL, can you guess who?)
- eaten all of the Halloween candy
- added another post