1. I watch Disney Channel shows. Suite Life, Hannah Montana, Drake & Josh (that's actually Nickelodeon), and Wizards of Waverly Place are a few of my faves. I think I've seen nearly all of the episodes of each of them at least three times. When Clint's at work, and it's just us girls for supper, we snuggle on the couch and watch these shows. Good times.
2. I want a puppy. Yep, it's true. Something cute and furry that will cuddle in my lap, but not shed dog hair all over my couches. Oh, and I want Clint to train it for me. :-)
3. I think my feet are extremely cute. I've always been a little vain about my toes. They descend nicely in length from the big toe to my little one. That's why losing my toenail (did I tell you I lost my toenail?) has been so dramatic for me. You know what they say...pride goeth before a fall.
4. When I grow up, I wanna be a teacher's aide. All of the pleasure, none of the pain. You still get nights, weekends, and summers off. But you don't take any work home. You still get to interact with the kids. But not with the parents. :-) You still get to make bulletin boards, organize activities, and grade papers. But those are your only responsibilities. Yes, the nerd in me loves to do all three of those things.
5. I love to shop for school supplies. This is one giddy girl when July rolls around, and the stores start to put out brand new notebooks, pencils, and crayons. It's a huge deal around here. I buy at least a dozen boxes of (Crayola!) crayons and just as many composition books when they're dirt cheap. I had begun to be sad at the prospect of not getting to do this with #1 for much longer. But last year, we started filling two extra backpacks with supplies and dropping them off at a nearby public school. Now, I have a reason for buying school supplies for MANY more years to come. That makes me happy.
6. I was a competitive gymnast during middle and high school. I actually won second place in state for my age division and competition level one year. That other girl beat me. I also taught gymnastics for quite a few years afterwards. Sometimes I still see the girls from my preschool class around town. Now they're all grown up and starting families of their own.
7. I'm slightly OCD when it comes to eating peanut M&Ms. I like to get one of each color in my hand at a time. I never eat two of the same color at a time. OR, I only eat two of each color at a time. Weird, I know. But, hey, that's me.
Well, now you know almost everything there is to know about me. Hope you'll still be my friend. And I'm taggin' #1 and #2. I'm interested to hear what they have to say...