Friday, June 13, 2008

Music to my Ears

Tonight we had a going-away party for "L" who is one of #2's BFFs. Her family is moving to North Carolina for a new ministry opportunity. So my house was filled with the sounds of 9 little girls who haven't been together for several weeks - giggles at the dinner table, shouting in the pool, stomping from the DDR, squeals over air hockey, snickers during photographs, footsteps trudging up and down the stairs. I love it. I love to see these little girls enjoying each other and having fun at my house. I hope there are many more fun nights for these little girls!

Farewell to "L" and her family. You will be missed. We love you!


The Englands said...

hey! which part of nc. we are headed there in three weeks!

Mrs. N. said...

Minneapolis...I think it's close to Boone. He's going to be doing youth ministry & running a retreat center for a church there.

The Englands said...

very cool! we are headed to winston salem which i believe is pretty close.