Saturday, September 22, 2007

Lessons from a Soccer Mom

Today was our first real soccer game of the season. Let's just say it was a TRAINWRECK! Our team of 4th and 5th graders - some of whom have never played soccer before this year - was put up against a team of 6th & 7th graders who have supposedly played together since they were 3!! The "white team" had their stuff together. They knew their positions, played with strategy, and had superb teamwork. It was obvious they had been well-coached, and knew their game. The "red team" never stood a chance. I felt so bad for them. I've been thrown into situations before where I knew I was in over my head, where it was obvious I was unqualifed for the task. I know the discomfort and humiliation that follow.

This got me thinking...have I done enough "coaching" with my own girls? Have I taught them the skills they need to know for real life? Have I taught them "strategies" for living out there in the real world? I don't want my girls to just sit on the side lines and watch life pass them by. I want them in the game, living life to its fullest. But I want them to be prepared for whatever life throws their way. To quote the coach from the movie We Are Marshall, I want my girls to be ready to "play to the whistle." I think I've got some more coaching to do...


Clint said...

You know, Marshall got their butts kicked several times too...part of playing the games is understanding that sometimes you may lose but getting out there anyway...we'll chalk it up to character building...for now.

P.S. Soccer moms are HOT!! Teachers are HOT too!! I guess that makes you TOO HOT!!!!!!!!!!!

Mrs. N. said...
