Sunday, August 10, 2008

Bliss on the River

One of my favorite "pasttimes" is going out on the boat. No, we don't have a boat, but Grandpa does. We used to take it out quite a bit when G'ma & G'pa had a little place at the lake, and even after that we would run it down the river fairly often. However, I don't think it's been put in the water but once or twice since we started building our house, and that's been, oh, maybe 5 years. Anyhow...Hubby surprised me yesterday morning by telling me he was going to get it out and clean it up. #2 and I pitched in for a little bit, and by late afternoon he had it cranked up & ready to run.

Today we took #2 and her friend "G" out for an afternoon ride. I love the feel of the sun on my shoulders, the breeze in my hair, and the water underneath me. I could ride like that for the entire day!! #2 and I tried out the tube, but the years of non-use had taken their toll. Guess we'll be in the market for one of those now. I can't wait to get #1 back on a tube - we used to laugh and scream the whole time we were riding. FUN TIMES!! We decided that one day soon we're going to pack up some fixin's and have us a lil' BBQ there on the "beach." Hubby & I even picked out a nice waterfront spot for our retirement years. :-) We'd both love to live on the water one day. In the meantime, we'll settle for an afternoon cruise down the Flint.


Anonymous said...

boats make me tired

jamie b said...

fun times for sure! :)

i love riding in a boat too! it's been a long time since i've done it though. when we lived in chattanooga, we were surrounded by lakes and got to go often. it seems like b'ham has a lot of lake lovers. we need to find some friends with a boat :)

Amy Lynn said...

This is me, being envious of the breeze in your hair.


Earl said...

I'm really glad y'all enjoyed that. The wind in the hair comment reminded me of my Corvette days. Sigh.....